Wednesday, November 02, 2016

gujo hachiman

We spent a relaxing few days in the small town of Gujo Hachiman. This is probably the highlight of the trip so far... The town is small enough to explore and walk in a day, but there is enough to keep you here for a week. There aren't many tourists here, and not many people speak english, but there are a few nice restaurants, some interesting convenience stores, and many small quiet corners with beautiful views where one can rest and relax.

Fun fact: Gujo Hachiman produces 80% of the plastic fake replica food used by Japanese restaurants in their display windows, to advertise what their food looks like. There are a few stores in town that sell the stuff, and you can even attend a class on how to make your own.

Lots of water and rivers in this town, and in some streets they have huge koi swimming in the the "gutters".
And some beautiful temple gardens at Jionzenji.

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